Emerald Knights Banner

About Us

Hi! We are FTC team 10582, the Emerald Knights.
Every year, we compete in the FIRST Tech Challenge, a robotics competition designed for high school students to design, build, and code a robot to complete a variety of tasks that change each year. The game encourages not only learning, but also collaboration, sportsmanship, and fun as part of the creation process.
We are one of 3 teams heralding from Livingston New Jersey, and we are excited to be competing this season! Our team has been active for over 5 years, and we have made it to worlds in Detroit twice. Each year, our team has continued to learn and grow while also passing our knowledge not only to new members to the team, but also members of our community as a whole.
We hope to see you all at future competitions!

T-Shirt Design



Each year, our robot gets a new design, and with it a new name. This year, our robot is named BoWei (after one of our members), and features a 4 wheel mecanum drive with a 3 part launch featuring a collection, feeder, and shooter. BoWei also has 3 odometry pods on the bottom, ensuring he knows where he is on he field.
BoWei uses an OpenCV detector in autonomous to see how many rings there are, moving accordingly. Other features BoWei has include a toggle for robot oriented and field oriented drive, a slow mode, and a linear regression model that automatically sets the right shooter power to the launch based on how far BoWei is to the goal.

Robot CAD Gif Robot Picture Collection gif

Awards Picture


See our Control Award video for states below!